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Open Access at the Library

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees charged by Gold open access journals and Hybrid journals. Gold open access journals make articles free for readers, but charge authors. Hybrid journals are subscription-based but give authors the option of making their article open access for a fee. 

Most research grants factor publication costs into total funding, so take this cost into account if you are considering taking this route for open access publishing.

The Library does not directly pay for or subsidize APCs for open access publications. However, authors affiliated with Ontario Tech University can claim discounts with a small number of publishers through agreements, memberships and subscriptions paid for by the Library.  

Ontario Tech Article Processing Charges Discounts

Publisher Discount How to get it More information
American Chemical Society $250 USD flat discount on all ACS hybrid journals Discount is applied upon submission of manuscript. Authors must identify their institutional affiliation in order to qualify. CRKN Open Access Publishing
Cambridge University Press No APCs for Hybrid and Gold Open Access Journals (2022-2024) Discount is automatically applied by Press using RightsLink. Authors are encouraged to use an institutional email to identify their institutional affiliation. CRKN Open Access Publishing
Canadian Science Publishing

No APC for five selected journals: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Canadian Journal of Physics, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Genome, and Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering

25% discount on all Hybrid journals

Upon article submission to CSP using ScholarOne, authors provide their institutional affiliation to determine eligibility. For accepted papers by CRKN-affiliated participants in each of the selected five journals, the APC is waived automatically.

For Hybrid journals, the discount is applied upon submission of the manuscript. Authors must identify their institutional affiliation in order to qualify.

CRKN Open Access Publishing
Elsevier ScienceDirect

Discount on Gold APCs:



Exclusions apply to Cell Press, Lancet, and some other society owned journals. A full list of journals eligible for the discount is located in the link to the right. The eligibility of accepted articles must be validated on Elsevier’s Open Access platform.  Elsevier APC Discount Title List
Institute of Physics No APCs for most Hybrid and Gold Open Access Journals (2025-2027) Discount is applied upon submission of manuscript through ScholarOne. Edit your institution on the submission form by selecting Actions and Edit, then choose from the list of matching institutions to identify your paper for transformative agreement funding. CRKN Open Access Publishing
MDPI 10% Discount is applied upon submission of manuscript, when an institutional email address is used.  MDPI Institutional Open Access Program
Oxford University Press

No APCs in OUP hybrid journals (2024-2026)

10% discount for OUP gold journals

Upon article acceptance for publication in a hybrid journal, the corresponding author will begin the publication workflow process within OUP's system. A customized message notifies the author upon login that their accepted article is eligible for open access at no cost (will refer to their institution and CRKN as providers) and the default selection for the author is to publish the article open access at no charge. Authors must identify themselves as affiliated with a participating CRKN institution in order for their article to be verified and approved for no charge OA under the agreement. CRKN Open Access Publishing
PLOS Community Action Publishing No APCs PLOS Biology and PLOS Medicine. Discount is applied upon submission of manuscript. Authors must identify their institutional affiliation in order to qualify. PLOS Community Action Publishing

Royal Society of Chemistry

No APCs in all RSC hybrid and gold journals for the duration of the agreement (2025-2027). Discount is applied upon submission of manuscript. Authors must identify their institutional affiliation in order to qualify. CRKN Open Access Publishing
SAGE  Eligible Corresponding Authors will receive a waiver on all APCs for Hybrid OA Publishing Titles and an automatic discount of 40% on all APCs for Gold OA Publishing Titles.

For articles accepted for publication in a gold open access journal the author should email when they are asked to arrange payment of the APC, with the article title, ID, Journal, and institutional affiliation.

For articles in elligible hybrid journals, on acceptance of the article, the author should email to request open access for their article with the same info as above.

CRKN-SAGE Transformative Agreement

SPIE 25% discount on fully Open Access journals This discount applied to all fully open access SPIE journals when any author on a paper is affiliated with an institution that has a full subscription to the SPIE Digital Library. The discount is applied automatically when the paper is accepted for publication. SPIE Journal Open Access
Taylor & Francis 25% discount in T&F Open Select hybrid journals To take advantage of the discount on T&F Open Select journals, an author can submit an article and choose the open access publishing option. When the APC is generated, authors can select their institution from the drop-down menu, and the discount will be automatically applied. The author can select a Creative Commons license to sign once they accept the quote. CRKN Open Access Publishing
Wiley No APCs for Hybrid Open Access Journals (2023-2024) Upon article acceptance for publication in a hybrid journal, the corresponding author will begin the Author Services process within the Wiley Open Access Account system.  The author is notified upon login that their article is eligible for open access at no cost (will refer to their institution and CRKN as providers) and the default selection for the author is to publish the article open access at no charge. Authors must identify themselves as affiliated with a participating CRKN institution. Gold Journals are not eligible.  CRKN Open Access Publishing 
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