Easy to use database with access to statistics, reports, industry overviews, infographics and more. Contains Canadian, American and international data.
A multi-disciplinary database including social sciences, arts and humanities, and science coverage. Provides indexing and abstracts for over 7,800 research journals.
A multi-disciplinary database including coverage of the life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences and social sciences. Provides indexing and abstracts for over 15,000 research journals and 250 million websites.
Use quotation marks to search a phrase like "wind energy conversion." The search tool will look for the words together, not separately.
Use the date range filter to get more current results. Do you want to look back 5 years? 10?
Look over the results and see what terms the authors are using. You may have searched for "mobile phone" and found that many authors use the term "smart phone." Revise your search.
Use OR for similar terms, when you don't care which one the tool retrieves: "mobile phone" OR "smart phone"