This special collection of nuclear subject matter materials is comprised of approximately 1600 Canadian and international technical papers, annual reports and specialists meetings. The collection is in print, and can be found in the third floor Special Collections room.
There are documents from a variety of countries and regions, including: Australia, Austria, Canada, European Communities, Finland, France, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States.
To search for these documents, use Omni Search:
You can also search Omni with keywords, and then use the filters on the left to select Held by library (print items only).
Items are organized on the shelf according to geographic location, issuing body and paper number.
e.g. Call Number: NUC-CAN-AECL-TR-25
NUC = Nuclear
CAN = Canada
AECL = Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
TR-25 = Technical Report # 25