Techstreet is a company that provides access to standards and codes from over 100 international standards bodies and publishers. Ontario Tech Library has subscribed to Techstreet Enterprise which allows us to build a custom collection of standards based on faculty and student requests and program needs.
If you know the exact standard or code that you need, email to request the purchase. See View a Standard below to learn how you will be able to access the standard electronically.
If you want to verify details about the standard before requesting (version, etc.) follow the steps below under Search the Standards Store.
To view the standards Ontario Tech Library has purchased:
Select Browse from the menu on the top right of the page. Subscribed standards are organized by publisher.
You can also select View subscription details from the home page (dashboard).
You can go beyond the Library's subscribed standards and search the records of all Techstreet standards available for purchase.
From the home page (dashboard), use the search bar.
The system will first search for standards the Library has already purchased. Select View Unsubscribed Results.
From the results, find the standard you want and review the details:
The record provides information such as major revisions, versions and whether a redline edition is available.
Once the Library has purchased a standard or code, you can access it from the Techstreet Enterprise dashboard. The dashboard is the first page you see when you log in.
Many publishers use DRM; their standards can only be viewed if you have first downloaded FileOpen. FileOpen associates the standard with your computer, so you can only view it there. You can download FileOpen from the dashboard.
From the dashboard, select View subscription details.
Select the publisher or View all products.
Click on the title of the standard to see download options.
Download the document.
You have the option of creating a personal Techstreet account, which provides additional features: