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Energy & Nuclear Engineering First Year Survival Guide


Help Me by Wesley Robinson

If in Doubt...

Ask for help! You have multiple options to get help, just pick the one that's right for you, your schedule, and your research needs.

Where Are You? What Amount of Help Do You Need? When Do You Need It? What's Your Best Bet?
On campus Brief (using a database, using Google Scholar, help finding books) Sooner would be better than later Visiting my office, e-mailing or calling
On campus Brief or somewhat brief (getting help on searching) Immediately Visiting the reference desk
Off campus Extensive (doing a literature search, searching for patents, citation assistance, searching more effectively) Within the next couple of days Setting up a research consultation
On or off campus Brief, somewhat brief, or extensive Immediately or outside of the librarian's hours Using Ask a Librarian (see right)

No matter which method you chose, always make sure you're prepared! Always come with a research question, any search strategies/terms you've used, and a copy of your assignment. 

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