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Energy & Nuclear Engineering First Year Survival Guide

Introduction to Ontario Tech Libraries

Ontario Tech has two libraries spread across two campuses:

  • North Oshawa Library
  • Social Science, Humanities, and Education Library

Books, technical papers, standards, and any other physical resources for students in the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science will be located at the North Oshawa Library (50 Founders Drive).

The Library provides access to carrels, group study tables, 160 PC workstations, a 3D printer, a recording room, and multiple accessible workstations. You can check out ear plugs, phone/laptop chargers, calculators, and various other supplies at the Service Desk.

Group Study Rooms

There are 10 bookable study rooms in the North Oshawa Library that vary in capacity and size.

Guidelines for room booking:

  • You can only book room in advance for the current day and following day
  • You can only make 20 bookings per term
  • Rooms are only available for 2 hours per day
  • Rooms will only be booked successfully when the minimum number of people have signed up for that booking


You can book the rooms through the room booking tool on the library website.

Study Spaces

There are different spaces in the North Oshawa Library to match every study need and style. The library is divided up into zones that dictate the level of noise permitted.

  • Green zones: regular level noise is allowed. This includes all areas of the first floor, the library den, enclosed stairwells, and group study rooms.
  • Yellow zones: only low-level noise (quiet talking) is allowed. This includes open stairwells and most areas on the second and third floors.
  • Red zones: absolutely no noise is allowed. This includes the silent study room on the third floor and the entire fourth floor.

Floor plans for each floor, along with its noise zone designations, can be found here:

Ontario Tech Library Tour

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