Created by the National Library of Medicine, this site has information on health topics (conditions, diseases and wellness), drug information, a medical encyclopedia and health news.
Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.
Evidence-based recommendations on a wide range of topics, from preventing and managing specific conditions, improving health and managing medicines in different settings, to providing social care to adults and children, and planning broader services and interventions to improve the health of communities.
GuidelineCentral is currently working to help fill the gap left by the sudden closure of AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC). This database includes quick-reference guideline summaries and various guideline implementation tools.
Incorporated in 1951, the CPA is the national voluntary professional association for Canada’s 4,700 psychiatrists and 900 residents and is the leading authority on psychiatric matters in Canada.
Created in 1949, the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings together a broad spectrum of groups and individuals concerned about people’s health.