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Health Physics and Radiation Science

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Tips for Off Campus Acess

Here are some tips for accessing Library online resources from off campus:

Use Omni Search, the search box on the Library home page

  • You can choose "Available online" as a filter on the results page. 
  • When you select any online resources, you will be prompted to log in. Use your Network ID. 

Access databases and publisher collections through the Library

  • Go to Databases A-Z to log in to collections like IEEE Xplore and Energy Citations Database. 

Found an article and can't access it? Here are some things you can try:

  • Copy the article title into Omni Search
  • Search for the journal in Journals A-Z, then navigate to the year, volume and issue you need. 
  • Email me: (or use the "Ask a Librarian" chat button on the Library website. It will say "Email a Librarian" when the chat service is closed.)

Found an e-book in Omni and can't access it? 

Creative Commons License

This guide was created by Ontario Tech Libraries and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License, except where otherwise noted. 

Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License

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