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How to Find Articles

Find subject-appropriate databases, learn how to search effectively within databases, and access the full text of articles.

Find Full Text

Once you have retrieved some articles that seem relevant to your topic, you will need to access the full text of the article. 

From Within a Database

When you search a database, you retrieve a list of article citations. 

Look for a link that says Full Text, PDF, or some variation. 

You may have to click on the article title, which will take you to the article "record." 

If you do not see a Full Text or PDF link, the text of the article is not available in this particular database. However, there is a good chance that it can be found elsewhere.

Find Full Text @Ontario Tech 

If the article citation does not have a full text or PDF, look for a link or button that says Find Full Text @Ontario Tech.

Clicking on this link prompts a search of all Ontario Tech databases for the article's full text.

In the example below, full text for the article was found in the Google Scholar database.

Full text not found?

If full text is not found, you have three options:

1. To verify that these results are correct, search for the journal in the Journal Titles A-Z list. If you find the journal, navigate to the correct volume and issue. 

2. Do an internet search for the article using the citation information. Articles are sometimes available from author's websites, open access databases, and other sources. 

2. Request the article via Interlibrary Loan (see below). 

For a Known Article

What if you have information about an article (like the citation to the left), and need to find the full text?

You can search all of Ontario Tech's databases using Omni Search, available on the Library home page. 

Type some of the article's citation details, such as the article title, into the search box.

Arrow pointing downwards


Arrow pointing downwards


You can also enter citation details into the Citation Finder

InterLibrary Loan

If the methods above do not lead you to the full text of the article you want, you can request the article from another university through Interlibrary loan. For more information, go to the Interlibrary Loan page.  

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