In general, you may share and display videos for educational purposes, on the premises of Ontario Tech or in the Canvas LMS, for an audience consisting primarily of students enrolled in a course, if the following conditions are met:
By nature of the platform, videos posted publicly on YouTube and Vimeo, are intended to be shared.
Provided that the content has been legally uploaded by the copyright holder,
In general, these subscription services are licensed for personal, noncommercial use only, and sharing for educational purposes is not permitted.
Search for work in the Library's collection. Refer to the library’s licence summary for information to learn how you can show the video in your classroom.
Digital Locks are formally referred to as Technological Protection Measures (TPMs) in the Copyright Act. Digital Locks are sometimes used by copyright owners to prevent works from being accessed or copied without permission. This can be done through measures like encryption, content scrambling, passwords, or limited install activations. The Copyright Act prohibits circumvention of these access controls. See Section 41 of the Copyright Act for more information.